Our Babies
When we look at Sage, we don’t even remember that she didn’t “come” from us. We loved her with our whole hearts years before we even knew she existed. Like any road walked in life, adoption can be hard at times. But no matter how hard it may get, we know that with the love we have for Sage and the love both her birth parents have for her connects us in such a deep and meaningful way. We love adoption because through it we became a Mom and Dad, but also because it showed us that miracles can and do happen.
This new baby’s adoptive family was overjoyed last week to discover they were being matched with a birthmom AND she was due in ONE WEEK! Baby girl arrived safely and her new parents feel like they have been living in a dreamworld. After waiting so long to add another child to their family of three, they realized that this perfect girl was exactly who they were waiting for.
Dear AZ Adoption Help, Robert is a very, very good baby! We just adore him. He is two months old already and we don’t remember life without him now. He is everything to us and our family. Thank you to our Birthmother for this precious gift of life. Thank you to Thomas and Kim for making our adoption journey a positive experience for his birthmother. She didn’t have the support of her family and knowing you were there for her meant so much. The work you do to protect and care for birthmothers is important.
Meet Jessa! Birthmother Hayley placed two beautiful daughters through Arizona Adoption Help. Imagine discovering you are going to be the parents of one child through adoption, and then two years later you find out that child is going to be a sister. Her adoptive family was utterly floored when they heard the great news that Hayley wanted them to adopt Jessa as well. She is an absolute doll and so loved by her big sister.
Baby Kenzie is now five months old and the center of our universe. We still can’t believe we are finally parents. Stephen (my husband) was adopted and we always knew we wanted to add children to our family through adoption. We found our incredible Birthmother through Arizona Adoption Help. We were able to get to know her before the baby was born and were at the hospital when Kenzie arrived. We feel so close to Kenzie’s birthmom and blessed to have found her.
Twins! William and Chloe are the seventh set of twins we have had the incredible joy of placing for adoption. Birthmother Kylie was amazing and truly a “Superwoman,” giving birth to these gorgeous babies. Kylie picked Ben and Stacy, a young couple unable to have children, to adopt. She wanted them in the delivery room so they could hold them when they were born. The extra sets of hands were needed! We are so proud of Kylie for making this loving choice of adoption.
Dubbed “Camper,” this little guy arrived on a camping trip but made it safely to the hospital and eventually into the arms of his excited new family. His Birthparents decided that three kids were plenty but they wanted to bless another family with the chance to be parents. Adoption is such a selfless choice and one that brings so much love into the world.
What a handsome guy! We were really honored to share in Baby Derek and his birthmom Alice’s adoption journey. Not having the support of the birthfather or her family, Alice leaned on our adoption team to prepare for his birth and future by picking a really wonderful family. They are so grateful for her strength. The choice she made to carry on and carry Derek made their dreams of having a family come true.
Welcome to Arizona, Baby Nicholas! His birthfather Logan wanted him to remember his roots so Baby Nicholas is traveling home in a cactus onesie. Both birthparents were excited to meet his new adoptive family after spending months during the pregnancy getting to know each other through phone and Skype calls. When they found out the delivery would be a planned induction, Nicholas’ birthmother decided to invite his adoptive mother into the delivery room so they could be together during his birth. Really precious and so loved, Nicholas has made both sets of his parents very happy.
Baby John surprised everyone (mostly his birthmother) when he arrived early at 34 weeks. After an exciting ride to the hospital in an ambulance, birthmother Savannah was relieved when she heard the biggest wail coming out of her tiny, little guy. The adoptive family arrived the next morning after catching the first available flight and now everyone is happily enjoying Baby John’s first few days. Congratulations to all!
Pretty in Pink! Baby Sarah’s loving Birthmother placed her for adoption after deciding now was not the best time in her life to parent. Struggling to make ends meet as a single mom of one, she couldn’t envision taking care of another baby. Sometimes the strongest decision a mother can make for her unborn child and the children she has at home is adoption. It gives her the chance to give all she can – even if that means allowing another family to provide Sarah the love she deserves. Now Sarah’s birthmother is able to devote herself to the upbringing of her first child and Sarah is settled into the loving home of her new family.
Baby Belle born this morning! Nora wanted a better life and future for Belle than she could provide, so she picked Lauren and Daniel, a wonderful, young couple, to adopt and cherish her. Nora will get pictures directly from Lauren and Daniel in the years to come, so she can see the beautiful life she has helped create for this precious human being. Adoption is wonderful!
Dear Attorney Underwood, We just wanted to check in and say hi! Our lives have completely changed with the addition of this precious baby. She is so sweet and such a source of pride for us. Thank you for bringing our family together. We continue to hear great things from Angela (our birthmom) and look forward to what the future will bring us all.
We are so happy to share in the journey of birth parents Ellie and Daniel, both very steady in their love to new baby boy. Their adoptive parents – Mark and Janice – spent two precious days in the hospital all together as a new family with them. Mark and Janice want their son to remember the strong foundation of love he came from. So they are naming him Jonah Daniel after his birth father. Daniel and Ellie are excited to stay connected and watch him grow.
This baby boy has been wished for and planned for during the past nine months and now he is here! Birth mother Jessica made the decision to find his forever family early on in her pregnancy. She read Molly and Tim’s profile and knew they would be the perfect parents for her unborn child. Molly and Tim already started a family through adoption with their first daughter and were so excited to be able to give her a little brother. So excited they flew to Tucson, Arizona two weeks before the birth. Now baby Jack is here and their hearts are full of gratitude for birth mom Jessica and for the path that led her into their lives.
This little sweetheart joined us one month early weighing in at 4 lbs. 2 ounces and is perfectly healthy and adorable. Her birthmom wanted to give her everything, and she did. By protecting her through the pregnancy, giving her life, and planning for the best possible future, Baby Marie’s mother has provided her with the chance to experience the best the world has to offer. We think there is nothing greater than to witness this kind of selfless love.
Say hello to baby Angel – the Mighty Man! Angel’s mom is so thrilled to have found his adoptive family. Here is what she had to say: “I am forever thankful to have found Arizona Adoption Help. You guys are so awesome and I would not have been able to do what I needed to do for Angel without your support. I didn’t have the support of my family through this and I felt like you were there for me in such an amazing way. Even going above and beyond to care for Angel personally while we waited for his family to get to Arizona. I knew he was safe and receiving all the love he so deserves in these first few precious days of life. Thank you so much to Thomas, Kim and Kris. I will always feel a special connection to you.”
The love shared this Valentine’s day was multiplied by the births of two AZ Adoption Help babies in Northern Arizona. Here is lovely Lacey Grey, born to a strong and ever so graceful birthmom Alicia. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know her and share in the birth of her first daughter. Congratulations to her adoptive family. They want Alicia to know the magnitude of affection and gratitude they will forever hold in their hearts for her decision.
Dear AZ Adoption Help, We are loving every minute with our precious baby boy, Landon. He will be 4 months next week. He is growing so fast. I never knew I could love someone so much. We are forever grateful for our birthmom Emilia and her supportive mother, Lina. They have made all our dreams come true. Emilia will always hold a special place in our hearts as she gave us the greatest gift. Landon will forever be reminded of how much he was loved by his birth mother. With love, Mandy, Jon and Landon
We have a handsome little man here to show you. Baby Joseph is bonding with his adoptive mother Mina in the hospital right now. His birth mom Beth wanted her to be there so she could share in his momentous birth. Mina is enjoying lots of skin to skin contact and bottle feeds. We are pretty sure Joseph is loving all the attention too.
New Baby Daniel is being welcomed to the world today by his birth parents Jan and Ross. They’ve been planning for this day for some time and have chosen Michael and Renee to be his new adoptive parents. Baby Daniel is going to have the opportunity to grow up in the most loving home with parents that have the financial security to give him all the opportunities his birth parents desire for their new baby boy.
Happy Birthday to our fist baby of the New Year! Kalen is surrounded by the love of his birth parents and adoptive parents today. His birthmother Jenn made the most loving and selfless decision to carry him for the past nine months and place him in the arms of his adoptive family, Mary and Todd. They want him to know his history and the depths of love he came from, so his baby book is already full of pictures documenting his incredible journey and all the people that are here to welcome him into the world today.
Congratulations to this little one’s birthmother and adoptive family! He couldn’t be more beautiful. His adoptive family is absolutely in love with him. They have so much respect for his birth mom, who loved him immensely but chose to put his needs first. Adoption takes patience and a lot of faith, but when you finally get to see the living, breathing miracle that is this little guy, it’s so worth it. We are so happy to welcome him into this world.
At 17 years old, Baby Malia’s mother was already struggling to support herself with two jobs. She and her boyfriend had dropped out of school to work and pay for a place to live. While Malia came from a place of love, they decided that the time was not right to parent.They wanted to give another family the chance to have a child. Today Malia is going home with her adoptive family and they are so overwhelmed with gratitude. They want Malia’s birthparents to know that their strength and desire to be good parents are what brought their family together.
After having already gone through one adoption with us, birth mom Chelsea couldn’t believe it when she found out she was pregnant for a second time. She called us feeling bewildered and discouraged. We let her know that we would be here to help plan a wonderful future for her child and not to worry. Reaching out to the adoptive family of her first child, we discovered that they were hoping to grow their family. They were absolutely overjoyed at the opportunity to welcome their first son’s biological brother into the fold. Chelsea could not be more relieved and excited! This is one of those moments that just floors the soul. Adoption is love!
Happy Birthday to Violet! Violet’s adoptive family, John and Macy, have been eagerly awaiting the birth of their first daughter. After trying for seven years with IVF treatments, they are so thrilled to be starting their family. Macy says it was all worth it, every bit of struggle. She spent the last seven years waiting for this moment and it is every bit as heavenly as she imagined. She says, “I knew I was meant to be a mother. Up until this moment I had so much love in me and now there is this tiny girl to give it all to. We couldn’t be more ecstatic and most of all thankful that her parents chose adoption. They have changed our lives forever.”
Baby Rose could not be more loved in this moment. Her adoptive parents have connected with birthmom Selena over the past few months through pictures, letters and emails. They’ve followed her pregnancy and were counting down the moments until Baby Rose was born. Today, this new family created out of love is sharing their first precious moments in the world together. This is what Rose’s adoptive parents had to say: “We will forever be bonded with Selena. We have so much gratitude in our hearts for her choice and her strength the past nine months. She gave us the greatest gift, something no one else could give us – this perfect little girl. We are so excited to share her growth and special moments over the years. We want Selena to always know that we will uphold our promise to make the most beautiful life for her daughter.”
Such a sweet girl. Baby Maddie is loving her new home. Her adoptive parents are so excited to give her all the comfort and love in the world. She is their little Christmas miracle. Maddie is going to have so many opportunities to grow and experience the best the world has to offer because of adoption.
Handsome Cameron nestled in his new adoptive mother’s arms. Birth mother Kaley decided after great care and consideration that she was not prepared to parent a fourth child as a single mom. She called us here at Arizona Adoption Help wanting to give another single mother the chance to start her family. We introduced her to Sarah and their connection was immediate and will definitely last a lifetime. It is so amazing how the love of a little boy can bring together two families in such a miraculous way.
Beautiful Baby James and birthmother Jenelle are doing amazing. They are enjoying being able to bond with the adoptive parents in the hospital. Jenelle feels at peace knowing Baby James will be loved and cared for by these two wonderful people – Stacey and James Senior. Stacey and James want Jenelle to know that finding her has been the greatest blessing. “Jenelle is so full of grace and quiet strength, we couldn’t be happier to have her in our lives. To know that this darling little boy came from such an amazing woman fills us with so much joy and pride. We are so thankful to have these precious moments in the hospital with Jenelle.”
Welcome to this big, wide world Baby Aleia! This morning Aleia decided the time was right to join us one month early. The nursing staff is calling her a “Feeder Grower,” which means she needs a little time to learn how to better feed on her own, but she is as sweet and lovely as anything. Congratulations to the Simpson family for their newest addition, a little sister to brother Marcus! They are over the moon in love.
Amy and Dan had been trying for a number of years to have a child without success. All they wanted was a child to share their lives with. Baby Jonathon, an absolutely gorgeous baby boy, was placed into their arms today by his birthparents, who wanted nothing other than to give Jonathon a bright future. What a wonderful gift for everyone.
Sweetness itself. Victoria is in her forever home with her adoptive parents and older sisters who dress her up in pink hair ribbons every day. Everyone is in love with this new member of the family. Victoria’s birthmom is beautiful and loving and wanted the best future for her little girl. Adoption is a loving promise of life and family.
Welcome to Arizona, Baby Curtis! His adoptive family arrived and they brought three of his four siblings to spend the next week and a half in Arizona. They plan to have a large family gathering with Curtis’ birthmother and her family to take lots of pictures so he can feel all of the love that surrounded him when he was born. His adoptive family can’t wait to bring him back to AZ to see the Grand Canyon and hike Camelback Mountain. Fun times!
Beautiful Baby Karina. Brand new to this world and starting life with her loving, excited family – who can’t wait to spoil and cherish her. We are so grateful to her birthmother who made the loving decision to give her a future and a family to adore her. We will always be sending our prayers for you.
Jessica and her boyfriend were college students. They had an unplanned pregnancy and knew immediately they wanted more for their child than what they could provide. Jessica contacted us and she met a darling, young family, Quinn and Tara, who were just waiting to add a child to their family. Last week, Baby Carolina was born. Quinn and Tara were there to welcome this precious baby girl into the world. What a beautiful family they are now. Baby Carolina’s birthparents will finish college and start their lives knowing that their child is safe and loved. Adoption changes lives!
It is very hard to put into words how a couple feels when they hold their baby for the first time – especially after over four years of trying to have a baby. We can hardly express our love, admiration and gratitude to our son’s birthmother, Lauren, for her brave and loving choice to place this perfect baby boy into our arms – to love him always. Saying thank you is inadequate – we can only say we love you, Lauren, and so will our little boy who will always know what a loving mother you are.
Thanks Thomas and Kim for helping me get through my pregnancy and bring this adorable baby boy into the world. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t find you guys. You were such a huge source of support before the birth and in the hospital. I felt like you had my back and I won’t forget it. Cheers, Mary
Beautiful baby Elia was born early this morning and is already enjoying the attention of both sets of her parents. Congratulations to Birthmom Jane for bringing this girl into the world and her adoptive parents, who will forever remember the sacrifices you made to protect her. You are like an angel on earth for them.
Dear AZ adoption Help, I just wanted to write and let you know this experience was not something I expected to be positive. I was scared when I found out I was pregnant and thought I would have to go through this alone. I appreciate everything you did for me, all of the rides and scheduling doctor appointments and counseling with Kris. Thank you, Jennifer
Thank you Attorney Underwood, Kim and Kris! You guys were so supportive throughout my entire pregnancy. Whenever I needed something, Kim was always there, answering my phone calls day and night. Thomas was always available for questions and met with me several times during the pregnancy. And Kris, you were so amazing. I truly believe this adoption was meant to be and I was supposed to find you all to get me through it.
How do we feel? In a word – SURREAL! We have been trying to start a family for so long that this has not completely sunk in, but we are both overwhelmed with joy, as are about 100 people back home who are all waiting to meet our beautiful, tiny daughter, Layton. Looks like our home will be turning into a bit of a hotel over the next few months! We had a wonderful experience meeting with our birthmother and her immediate family, and we were extremely touched by their tremendous love and compassion for both Layton and us. Even though it has only been a few days so far, we cannot image our lives without our new daughter. It all feels so right.
Introducing Baby Will. His birthmother, Kelsea, was 22, just having finished college and starting her career. Her boyfriend was working part time and couldn’t provide the stable home she wanted for their child. While they hoped to one day be married, they wanted to start a family when they could give their child the future they always wanted. They chose a beautiful couple, Hayley and Robert, to adoption their perfect baby boy.
We are so happy for Baby Noelle, who was born last Thursday and now is in her forever home with ecstatic new parents, Blaine and Dustin. Her new parents have been married for over eight years and were unable to conceive a biological child. They have been thinking about adoption for several years, feeling stronger every day that this was going to be the way they were going to build their family. They are so thrilled and grateful to her Birthmother for planning a bright future for this beautiful baby girl.
Dear Attorney Underwood, We’re loving every moment with Joseph! He’s such a happy and easy going baby. We’re beyond thankful for his birth mother, Lindsey, giving us this incredible opportunity. We have such great respect for her and her wonderfully supportive family. Thank you for all that you have done to bring us together.
This is a wonderful day for Baby Matthew! He is going home with his new forever family thanks to the loving choice made by his birthmother, Brenna. When she found out she as pregnant, Brenna panicked, knowing now was not the ideal time in her life to parent. But planning an adoption has turned the pregnancy into a really beautiful experience. She is helping to build a family for another couple and now feels like she is carrying this child for them.
Weighing in at 9 pounds, 8 ounces, Baby Alex started his new life after being carried by his Birthmother Jenna for nine and a half months. Jenna wanted him to remember that he comes from a place of love and that the love she feels for him now will always follow him wherever he goes in the future. She spent the first two days of his life in the hospital with his adoptive parents and they all got to share a few of his “firsts” together. Jenna is looking forward to staying in touch to see what the future will bring him!