Dear Birthparent…
We would like to thank you for taking the time to read this and getting to know us. We cannot pretend to know what you may be going through during this process and we realize that the decision you are making is a difficult one. However, please know that we understand you are making this decision with immense courage and selflessness. Your choice for adoptive parents for this child will lead to a great blessing in the lives of the family that you choose, but we so hope that you decide to bless us with your decision.
We have built our lives and dreams around having children and were crushed to discover that we would be unable to have biological children. Luckily, there are wonderful women such as yourself that can offer us a ray of hope that our dreams of becoming parents can come true through adoption. It would be our privilege to give your child the most loving, nurturing and stable life we possibly can. We promise that your child will be loved, encouraged and supported through every step, every fall, every cry, and every success – through every day of their life. Please know that your child will grow up in a kind and caring home filled with unconditional love and laughter, and a big family that is very eager to meet them.
About Us…
Our story begins in 1988 when we met through Raul’s sister who was my best friend in middle school. However, we did not start dating until 2001. We became engaged in 2004 and married in 2005. We have known each other for roughly 32 years, which is pretty much most of our lives. We enjoy to travel, exercising together especially outdoors, we are big foodies and above all we love spending time with our families. We have a strong marriage built on love, honesty and foremost friendship. The only thing that could make our marriage and lives even better than they already are is to receive the blessing of becoming parents. We both attended college and Jenny continued on to receive her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Raul is a senior retail consultant at a telecommunications company for which he has worked for over 20 years. Jenny is a nurse and dedicates herself to helping others in their time of most need. Her career choice shows the type of selfless and caring individual she is. We enjoy doing all sorts of activities together, but separately we also have many hobbies that we love to keep up with. Raul enjoys playing basketball, fishing and is learning to play golf. Jenny enjoys cooking, reading and entertaining as our home is the entertainment home for events and holidays for the family. Oh, and another thing we both enjoy to do together is to hang out with our dog Ruby.
Our Home and Pets…
We live in a friendly neighborhood with many parks nearby, lots of children and pets and many other wonderful entertaining places to go to. It is a nice community that has 24 hour security year round. We have many friends and family in our neighborhood and within really close distance. There are also several highly rated schools nearby. We live with our mixed breed dog Ruby, which we adopted when she was 1 year old. We enjoy taking her to the park, for long walks and taking her to the beach. You know we might not have a huge house, but we definitely have huge hearts that will help fill a home with lots of love and affection.
Our Family…
As we mentioned all our family lives really close by, close enough that we can either walk or ride bike to their homes. We are very close to them as well as our friends. We have always been honest and upfront with our fertility struggles and now with our intentions to adopt with all of them, and we have received nothing but support and encouragement from each and every one. We are so grateful to know that our family and friends definitely have our back and our future child will have many baby sitters to choose from.
Our Journey to Adoption…
We have always wanted to be parents and were very hurt to find out that we could not have biological children. We have been through many things together in this journey to have a family of our own. We have done multiple IVF treatments, worked with donor eggs and even experienced a miscarriage. However, we have never given up on our dream to be family and we are so ready and open to the adoption process.
Fun Facts…
Name: Jenny
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Education: BSN in Nursing
Favorite Food: Japanese/Sushi
Favorite Hobby: Reading
Favorite Movie: The Sound of Music
Favorite Holiday: Halloween (enjoy seeing the kids in cute costumes)
Favorite TV Show: The Nanny (oldie but a goodie)
Favorite Activity: Going on walks with our dog Ruby
Hidden Talent: Home organizing/decorating skills
Guilty Pleasure: Watching Hallmark movies/Hallmark channel
Name: Raul
Occupation: Retail Consultant at a telecommunication company
Education: Some college
Favorite Food: Burgers
Favorite Hobby: Fishing
Favorite Movie: Coming to America
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite TV Show: First Take on ESPN
Favorite Activity: Basketball
Hidden Talent: Drawing
Guilty Pleasure: Heath bar crunch blizzard from Dairy Queen