Choosing adoption comes with a lot of hard decisions for a birthmother. With resources available, you can make the most informed choice and have emotional support with the use of professionals. Once you have decided on adoption, you have the opportunity to choose the family who will adopt the baby.
The choice is completely up to you and you will often have many options to choose from. If you feel overwhelmed at the options, then you need to break down your choices into different categories and have a clearer picture of what you want. Follow this guide to learn some ways to help make your choice and build some confidence in your decision.
Geographical Location
When you seek adoption help in a state like Arizona, you are not just limited to families within the state. An adoption agency can provide you with families from all over the country who seek out children to adopt. The geographical location you chose will depend on what type of adoption you seek.
For example, if you want to choose a closed adoption, then you will eliminate all contact with the baby and the adoptive family. The closed adoption could last until a specific age or as long as you see fit. In a situation like this, you may not want to choose a family who lives close by. A family who lives close increases the chances of running into them in public.
If you choose an open adoption, then you have a wide range of different geographical options. For example, if the open adoption includes one visit a year, then you would want to consider how you would schedule the visit. If the family lives in Florida, you could make arrangements to fly there each year, ask for a family to fly back to you, or meet somewhere in the middle.
Instead of leaving these questions up in the air, they can all become part of your adoption plan and make an impact on your choice. For example, if you cannot afford to travel on a regular basis, then you may want an open adoption with a family who lives closer in the region. This way, you can visit more frequently and set up a plan that doesn’t cost you a lot.
Family Dynamics
As you go through your options for an adoptive family, you will have the opportunity to learn about their family dynamics. You may have a vision of an adoptive family in mind and can try to match that vision as close as possible. Along with the couple itself, you can learn about the extended family they have and the other family members the baby will be around.
You can learn about their careers, what type of neighborhood they live in, and how the family spends their free time. Keep an open mind as you read through the families. You can start imagining the future potential and learn what types of families you are drawn to. You may not realize what factors you seek out for the baby until you start reading about different families.
Some families may already have other children as well. You have to consider if you want your child to grow up with siblings or not. You should also consider whether those siblings are adopted as well and will have a shared experience. An adoption agency can help break down these dynamics and how they can impact a child both positively and negatively.
Family Beliefs
Along with family dynamics, you will want to consider family beliefs as well. Many families will discuss their connection to faith and what that means to them. You could seek out families with similar religious views or who attend similar churches. You may want a family who are more spiritual, but does not attend church functions.
If religion is important to your decision, then you could rule out a lot of families and help narrow down your choices based on specific criteria. The family beliefs you have could extend beyond religion as well. Through communications with families, you could ask questions about political views and other views on various topics. In recent years, political views have moved to the forefront of conversation and could become an important factor in your decision-making.
The more you get to know a family, the more you will learn whether they are a right fit for the adoption. If you experience any questions or hesitation, you can use adoption services to talk through the problems and ensure you are making the right decision.
For all of your adoption needs, contact us at Arizona Adoption Help. Our primary goal is to serve the birthmother and we will do this through a wide range of services. We are here to support you each step of the way, including any help you seek with the selection of the adoptive family.