The adoption process includes a lot of ups and downs, but it also includes a lot of waiting time as you go through a pregnancy and plan for the child’s future. One way to help you cope and get through the process is through writing letters. While handwriting letters represents the most preferred method, you could type up letters or dictate thoughts through text to speech.
Check out some of the more ideal ways writing letters can help you through the adoption process and even connect you to a private adoption attorney who helps you through the case.
1. Personal Journals
Every day you may experience different emotions, thoughts, or feelings through the adoption process. One way to help you cope is through personal journals and writing daily letters to yourself. Purchase a notebook specifically for your pregnancy journal. Through the journal, you could write down your daily thoughts and experience through the pregnancy.
The journal could also highlight any physical ailments or experiences you go through. You don’t have to share the journals with anyone, but the writing you complete with daily letters to yourself can help create the first step in the therapy process. An adoption agency can provide you with connections to a therapist and allow you to express your feelings to them.
A therapist can guide you through your pregnancy journey and may even give you some letter writing prompts to help start your personal journals. Years from now, you could look back on those journals and understand the process you went through.
2. Letters to Potential Families
As you browse through and decide on potential adoptive families, you could always reach out and provide a letter to the family. A letter is much more personal than texting and allows you to add more details and information. Writing letters can help you establish relationships, learn more about the potential adoption, and build trust.
Through the initial letters and contact with a family, you can help make better decisions on which family you will want to choose. The letters can beyond their initial profile and give you more details about their parenting styles and future for the child.
If you choose an open adoption, then the initial letter writing can help build a nice form of communication. You and the adoptive family could choose to send letters that include details like life updates, pictures, and information. The earlier you establish letter writing, the easier it will be to continue the process and express things to each other in written form.
An adoption agency can provide ways for you to send letters and bridge the communication gap between you and potential family.
3. Letters to Child in the Future
Another way to use letters is by creating a collection of letters you will share with the child in the future. During the pregnancy, you may want to write a letter directly to the child to explain your decisions, emotional journey, and experience. The letters can include a wide range of themes and ideas that allows you to express information.
For example, you can write a letter showcasing your family history, including health ailments and other issues. Another letter can talk about your life growing up and some of your favorite childhood memories. You could write letters for each age of the child. For example, a letter for the child’s fifth birthday could include any details you remember about being five.
The letter length and theme are completely up to you. You could choose to send these letters out as you write them or build up a collection of letters that you eventually gift to the child in the future.
4. Birthmother Pen Pals
An adoption agency can help you feel connected to other birthmothers who have gone through the same process as you. As part of this process, you may attend group therapy sessions and get to talk to other birthmothers in person. You could also establish connections with them through letter writing.
When you establish a pen pal, you can write out ideas, share stories, and connect in ways that no one else would understand. While you have the option to send traditional letters, this type of letter writing may work better in e-mail form. Through e-mails, you have the opportunity to exchange thoughts back and forth.
You could open up emotionally, detail parts of your pregnancy, or ask specific questions to the other person. You also have the opportunity to connect to multiple women who went through the same process and get a wide range of perspectives from them all.
Letter writing is just one small step of the adoption process. Get all the help you need with our services at Arizona Adoption Help. We will help you with all aspects of your adoption and answer any questions you have along the way.